What is Spark?

According to Merriam-Webster.com:
1a : a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion or remaining when combustion is nearly completed b : a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass; especially : one heated by friction
2a : a luminous disruptive electrical discharge of very short duration between two conductors separated by a gas (as air) b : the discharge in a spark plug c : the mechanism controlling the discharge in a spark plug
4: something that sets off a sudden force <provided the spark that helped the team to rally>
5: a latent particle capable of growth or developing : germ <still retains a spark of decency> 

Spark is an event that focuses on the first glimmers of creative expression and exchange.

Performers, artists, poets, bakers, anyone who engages in creative "hobbies" or "hidden talents" will share their creative expressions with audience members and guests.  Many of them will be doing this for the first time for a diverse group of people.  Not only does it give performers, artists and practitioners their first chance to shine in the spotlight, but it will also encourage guests to explore their own possibilities.

This event also hopes to ignite conversations and further exploration of mental, physical, and sexual health in a fun and accessible environment.  We hope to promote positive and open-minded attitudes about each individuals potential.  Different sexual health topics will be highlighted at each event.

Spark is meant to create a stress-free and comfortable environment.  As many of us seek out creative endeavors as a form of self-care, sharing should be just the same.

Spark used to be titled the "Celebration of Expression."  In 2008, the first Celebration of Expression was held.

At this initial event, one performer read her erotic poetry to promote the release of her chapbook, one performer did a Middle Eastern dance routine to become accustomed to performing in public, and one performer did a vegan baking demonstration to share how easy healthy eating can be.

With the presidential elections a couple of weeks after the event, 30% of the proceeds went towards Barack Obama's campaign, while the rest of the proceeds supported the event and compensated the performers.

After the event, it seemed that there were more people who wanted to share their creative expressions.  Though the organizers' lives have been busy with the day to day, the Celebration of Expression was never too far from their minds.

With this present rendition of the Celebration of Expression, 1/3 of the funds raised will go towards a charity, 1/3 will go towards compensating performers, and 1/3 will help to underwrite the costs of the event with the hope of one day having a physical office, venue, and practice space for the MDMS Collective to call home.